The history of Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX in Łódź dates back to 1953, when the Minister of Light Industry issued his Decree No. 430 on the creation of Laboratory of Technical Textiles.

The main goal of MORATEX activity is to develop modern designs and technologies of textile technical goods and implementing them to the industry. The institute worked-out the leading position among domestic R&D bodies and developers of hi-tech products intended for various branches of national economy. In 90’s the R&D workload has been remarkably moved towards developing personal life and health protection means for individuals exposed to threats from bullets, fragments, impacts, harmful chemical or biological agents and unfavorable factors, as fire, temperature, water etc. The works of that times focused mainly on solutions related to technologies designed for services subordinated to the Minister of Interior and Administration and to Minister of National Defence.
Since 1999, according to the decree of Prime Minister (Journal of Laws No. 24 item 217) MORATEX is the departmental R&D body supervised by the Minister of Interior and Administration. Starting with that moment all the effort of the Institute’s management and employees has been clearly driven to satisfying the expectations and requirements of the Police, Fire Service, Border Guards and State Protection Service. Executing the tasks set, with co-operation with those services, MORATEX developed in 2001-2006 new and modern uniform assortment, equipment and means of individual protection.
By the Decree of 27th March 2015, the Minister of National Defence (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1468) granted the right to the Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX to approval of technical specifications for decommissioning and to confirmation of deactivation of military or police products in the field of textile, ballistic and protective products.
Since 2008, the Institute has actively participated in the implementation of projects under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013 and the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 as also the Regional Operational Programme of the Łódź Voivodeship 2014-2020.
The Institute has been awarded the Notified Body position by the European Committee within the scope of directive 89/686/EEC – Personal Protective Equipment, ID No. 1475. The quality of newly-developed goods is confirmed by the certificates from accredited Certifying Bodies.
In order to issue certificates of conformity of the products offered by the suppliers of textile protective goods and uniform elements, a Products Certification Department works at MORATEX, as well as three laboratories accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditations.
The Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX conducts scientific research and research work as well as implementation work in the discipline of materials engineering, the results of which are used in state security systems.
Scientific research and utility work supported by the activities of:
- accredited research laboratories;
- standardization;
- certification;
- invention;
- investment and renovation, including co-financing under the Regional Operational Program of the Łódź Voivodeship 2014-2020.
In ITB MORATEX there are laboratories: Laboratory of Metrology with the newly created CompositeLab Laboratory, Laboratory of Ballistic, Laboratory of Chemistry fulfilling requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard and the Certification Department fulfilling requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-03 with accreditation of the Polish Accreditation Center and accreditation of the Minister of National Defense in the field of defense and security. In 2023, a new ErgoSecurity Laboratory was also established, the activity of which in 2024 was supervised by the head of the Information Systems Department.
Own research and development work concerning the functioning of services supervised by or subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration are realized in the following areas:
– scientific, developmental and implementation activities, in particular in:
- Implementation of research tasks for the uniformed services, in which the Police Headquarters and the Border Guard Headquarters and the State Protection Service, as part of the subsidy for the maintenance and development of research potential in the area of new materials/technologies/products solutions (tasks and their scope of application was identify by the above-mentioned services supervised by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration);
- Implementation of research tasks (within the Own Research Fund) for the Police Headquarters, Border Guard Headquarters and State Protection Service in the are of new materials/technologies/products solutions (their scope was defined by the Police Headquarters);
- Implementation of research and development activities under the Defence and Security Programme in the area of materials/technological/products updates for the services supervised by or subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, the Minister of National Defence and the Internal Security Agency;
- Implementation of research and development projects co-financed by European Regional Development Fund in new material/technological/product applications taking into account the needs of service supervised by or subordinated to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration;
- Implementation of research and development projects under the Horizon 2020 Programme (Security area) and European Defense Found in the area of materials/technological/products updates for the services supervised by or subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration and other services responsible for ensuring the safety of public transport;
– certification activity focused on guarantee safe products with verified functionality to the service supervised or subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration;
– maintenance of functional laboratories and their development and modernization in the scope of research including the services supervised or subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration needs;
– protection of industrial property rights and transfer of new solutions to enterprises and uniformed services supervised or subordinate to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration;
– implementation of activities related to the introduction of products for the sake of services of the Resort of Internal Affairs and Administration. Based on the Act on the system of control of the conformity of products specified for the needs of national defense and security and the regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, the Director of the ITB MORATEX Institute was recognized as the body extending the Minister’s administrator over control activities with the product introduced for use in the cells and organizational units of the ministry.
The high level and modernity of material, technical and design solutions of developed products, are proven by positive opinions of end users as well, as the medals and awards from both domestic and international organizations.
The novelty of scientific and technological solutions is confirmed by the protection rights assigned by the Polish Patent Office. The Institute has gained more than 100 patents and more than 140 utility models. The Institute presents the results of its research works at many symposia and conferences in Poland and abroad, and publishes in Polish and worldwide periodicals. They receive interests appreciation everywhere.
- expertise, analyses and opinions
- projects realization of R&D and R&I
- acquisition fund for the research and development projects
- design and development of dedicated technologies and products
- upgrading produce processes
- technical consulting
- supporting standardization processes
- training
- uniformed services
- entrepreneurs (also Micro and SMEs )
- scientific units and universities
- national and international consortiums
- ballistic vests
- special clothing and uniforms
- protective products (helmets, shields)
- product customization
- vehicle’s and building’s armor
- pneumatic products
- MEDICAL PRODUCTS (assessment and verification in preclinical studies)
- specialist bandage
- hemostats
- packaging systems
- implantable medical devices
- textile materials and products
- composites
- polymer systems
- foils
- impact energy absorbers
- metamaterials
- event risk and decision risk analysis
- simulations
- algorithms
- virtual and augmented reality