That was another year of conferences, project meetings, publications… 2024 was full of productive work, new ideas and many steps towards progress. Our Institute organised one of the meetings of the international UTILE project in Poland; “Worksuit for the motorcycle officers” was appreciated several times by various units; we constantly improve our VR-technology training applications for police officers; we have completed a series of free online scientific seminars; the PreventPCPV project was finished and at the same time, we launched a European Union project with the acronym IMMUNE.
And this is just a part of what happened last year. In 2025 further cooperations and challenges are waiting for us, we encourage you to follow our activities on the website and social communities.
Also, all the time we offer composite strength tests, ballistic tests, metrological tests, training application in virtual reality nad much more. If you are interested, please contact us:
tel. (secretariat): 42 6373763
e-mail: itb@moratex.eu