The Management Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX
Mr prof. dr hab. Marcin Struszczyk, Eng.
Professor of the Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX
tel: +48 42 637-37-63
Graduate of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Chemistry at the Lodz University of Technology. PhD in chemistry from the University of Potsdam in 2001, Germany. Habilitation in 2008 at the Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design at the Lodz University of Technology. Postgraduate studies in project management (Leon Kozminski Academy in Warsaw) and biomaterials (AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow).
By order of the President of the Republic of Poland of February 16, 2022, professor of engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of materials engineering.
On September 4, 2024, on the basis of art. 44 sec. 2 third sentence in conjunction with art. 43 sec. 1 point 1 of the Act of 30 April 2010 on legal institutes (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 534), Director General Mateusz Matejewski by authority of Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration appointed prof. dr hab. inż. Marcin H. Struszczyk to the position of Professor.
Vice-Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. Member of the Board of the European Chitin Society (EUCHIS). Member of the Scientific Council of the Central Institute for Labor Protection – National Research Institute. Long-term member of the Technical Committee 247 for Medical Materials and Biomaterials of the Polish Committee for Standardization, and from 2022 its chairman.
Reviewer of research and development projects within the framework of NCBiR and Foundation for Science competitions.
Head of research and development projects and investment projects funds from Polish science. Coordinator and manager of projects financed from European Regional Development Fund – ERDF and from European Commission (7th Framework Program, Horizon 2020, Eureka). Expert of the Marshal’s Office in Łódź in INTERREG projects.
In the years 2003-2008 member of the board of TRICOMED SA responsible for research and development. Deputy Director for Science of ITB MORATEX since 2008. Director of ITB MORATEX since 2017.
Implementations in the field of medical devices, including medical implantable products and ballistic shield technologies, textile solutions in the field of fire protection. Co-author of the design and provision of mobile isolation disinfection cabins with equipment for filtering and ventilation units for biomedical applications for patients with suspected COVID-19.
Over 100 scientific publications (>60 indexed via Web of Science, over 40 chapters of monographs), over 35 industrial property rights, including EPO patents, 8 industrial communitys patterns EUIPO, 3 trademarks; certified project manager (IPMA).
Ms dr hab. Marzena Fejdyś, Eng.
Professor of the Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX
tel: +48 42 637-37-63
Graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Lodz University of Technology (major: materials engineering). Habilitation in 2017 at the Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design at the Lodz University of Technology.
Postgraduate studies of project management (Faculty of Organization and Management at the Lodz University of Technology).
Graduate of the Mini MBA Management Studies (Faculty of Management at the University of Lodz and R.H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland).
Manager and executor of research and development projects financed by Polish science fund and under the VII EU Framework Program and Horizon 2020. Coordinator and manager of projects financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF and under the Defense and Security program. In total, over 20 research and development projects have been completed.
She provides research and development work in: ballistic shields, textile products, intelligent transport systems, composite technologies for ballistic applications, structural composite technologies for public transport, use of virtual reality elements for research, analysis and detection of threats.
In 2007-2011 assistant, then assistant professor at the Department of Shielding and Ballistic Equipment. Head and co-founder of the Department of Composite Materials at ITB MORATEX. Since 2017 Deputy Director for Science at ITB MORATEX.